Areas of expertise include: Russia; populism; the black diaspora in Europe; democratic governance; the historical evolution of color prejudice.
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IERES is offering a Senior Visiting Fellowship opportunity through the Elliott School Funds for Displaced Scholars and in partnership with the Kyiv School of Economics and the Ukrainian Global ...
This is the inaugural entry in Tech and Tactics, a series of blog posts conceived by RM editor Ivan Arreguín-Toft on how ...
Join the Stimson Center as Secretary Wormuth examines lessons learned from the war in Ukraine, the state of critical relations with NATO allies and other global partners and new efforts to demonstrate ...
She gained her party’s nomination uncontested after Biden abandoned the race on July 21. The short time remaining before the ...
This podcast was originally published by Back Story with Dana Lewis. Read Masha Hedberg's exclusive analysis for RM here. On Back Story with Dana Lewis this week, Israel's leader P.M. Netanyahu is ...
The Atlantic Council’s Global Energy Center and the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security host a public fireside chat discussing climate change as a “threat multiplier” faced by the US defense ...
Russia Matters offers weekly news and analysis digests, event announcements and media advisories.