What did the Act achieve? Passed just before the outbreak of WWII, as a response to Germany and the Soviet Union's non-aggression pact, this Act gave the Government special powers to take almost any ...
The Speaker of the House of Commons visited Qatar from the 16 to 18 September to strengthen ties between the two Parliaments.
The period from March 1629 to April 1640 later became known as the Personal Rule because Charles I did not summon Parliament during this time. Outwardly, this was a period of peace and prosperity, but ...
Two events have changed the way Members of the House of Lords are appointed: the 1999 House of Lords Act, which ended hereditary Peers' right to pass membership down through family, and the ...
Proposals for a British Bill of Rights have come from across the political spectrum. The various plans would have very different consequences The Human Rights Act (HRA) was introduced in 1998 to ...
“We are not here, Mr. Adam, to secure your happiness, but to preserve the institution of marriage and the purity of the home. And therefore one of you must commit adultery ... someone has to behave ...
The Lords Chamber is the most lavishly-decorated room in the Palace of Westminster. It has the grandest interior because it is where the three elements of Parliament (the Sovereign, the Lords and the ...
The Race Relations Act 1965 was the first piece of legislation in the UK to address the prohibition of racial discrimination and followed previously unsuccessful bills. The Act banned racial ...
The crisis of 1629-60 originated in Charles I's belief that by the royal prerogative he could govern without the advice and consent of Parliament. This was matched by Parliament's insistence that it ...
One of the key aims of the previous Government's higher education policy has been to increase choice and competition in the HE market. A controversial aspect of this policy has been the Government's ...
Everyone is welcome to watch the House of Lords chamber at work from Monday to Thursday and on around 10 sitting Fridays in the year. There is no chamber business during recesses. All visitors to ...
MPs have public contact details so their constituents can get in touch. In most cases you can write, phone, fax or email. MPs will generally only act on behalf of their constituents, so please check ...