Palestinian poet Dareen Tatour shot to worldwide attention when she was jailed in 2016 for the ‘crime’ of writing a poem, ‘Resist, my people, resist them’. Her defiance, Kafkaesque trial and ultimate ...
Meticulously researched while reading like a fast-paced thriller, this explosive new book details the way the Israel lobby deployed charges of anti-Semitism to destroy Jeremy Corbyn’s bid for power as ...
Liberated from Zionist prisons, The Trinity of Fundamentals is a chance for all those in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle to experience Palestine’s national literature and take inspiration ...
Ismail Nashef is Associate Professor of Anthropology at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, Doha, Qatar. He has held academic positions in different universities in the Arab World and beyond. In ...
Farah is a Palestinian Canadian poet, spiritual activist, and content creator, born and raised in Amman, Jordan, on a mission to plant seeds of love, one act of courage at a time. As the love child of ...
Nouri Gana is Professor of Comparative Literature and Near Eastern Languages and Cultures at the University of California, Los Angeles. He is the author of Signifying Loss: Toward a Poetics of ...
Aya Ghanameh is a Palestinian illustrator, writer, and designer from Amman, Jordan. Her work moves away from state-centric ways of thinking to center the voices of ordinary people in historical and ...
Nahr has been confined to the Cube: nine square metres of glossy grey cinderblock, devoid of time, its patterns of light and dark nothing to do with day and night. Journalists visit her, but get ...
Alan Morrison’s books include A Tapestry of Absent Sitters, Captive Dragons, Blaze a Vanishing, Shadows Waltz Haltingly, Shabbigentile, Gum Arabic, Wolves Come Grovelling and three collections from ...
Richard Falk, former UN Special Rapporteur for Palestine (2008-2014), has dedicated much of his life to the study of the Israel/Palestine conflict. In Palestine's Horizon, he brings his experiences to ...
Refaat Alareer is a professor of world literature and creative writing at the Islamic University of Gaza and the editor of Gaza Writes Back: Short Stories from Young Writers in Gaza, Palestine (JWB, ...
A stunning children's book celebrating everything Palestinian! From culture and food, to music and literature, We Are Palestinian is a celebration of Palestinian heritage. Brought to life by ...