Our laboratory uses x-ray crystallography, in concert with other techniques, to address some of the fundamental problems in biology: how do proteins spontaneously fold into their biologically active ...
General goals of our research are the development of theory and experiment in coherent magnetic resonance spectroscopy, with applications to fundamental problems in chemical physics and materials ...
I am interested in three types of mechanisms involved in regulating the stability of the yeast genome. First, in meiosis, certain regions of the chromosomes (hotspots) have high levels of DNA breaks ...
Todd Martínez is a theoretical chemist recognized for his work on light-induced and mechanically-induced chemistry, computational reaction discovery, and development of new algorithms to solve the ...
Dr. Mann is Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science and Director of the Earth System Science Center at Penn State. His research focuses on climate science and climate change. He was selected by ...
My research has been primarily in areas of mathematical physics, especially general relativity and the foundations of quantum mechanics. I have worked on tiling problems and their relation to ...
As an astrophysicist, I have studied the origin of the Universe through measurement of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) left from the Big Bang. I was the leader of the team that ...
One part of my research deals with how a fluid loses its ability to flow. This can happen, for example, to a supercooled liquid as the temperature is lowered so that it becomes increasingly sluggish ...
Current research is on the causes and principles governing linguistic change and diversity, through the study of change in progress in the speech community; the social and ethnic stratification of ...
Our laboratory studies the molecular basis of force sensing. We found that purified E. coli MscL and MscS ion channel protein can be opened by lipid-bilayer stretch under a patch clamp. This finding ...
As a theoretical physical chemist, my research interests are understanding and predicting, at the microscopic level, the rates and mechanisms of chemical reactions in solution and at surfaces, as well ...
As a virologist and pathologist, I have studied the papillomaviruses and the mechanisms by which they participate in carcinogenesis. Using molecular techniques, my laboratory has analyzed the ...