James McGill is a 3rd-generation pig farmer, and at 71 he has been farming for over 50 years. James McGill is a 3rd-generation pig farmer, and at 71 he has been farming for over 50 years. After ...
I have been making self-portraits in different surroundings for exploring the relationships between my body, other bodies, identity and familiar media images. I have been making self-portraits in ...
I moved away from home to a different country 2 years ago and we started growing apart. The mum that I knew and our family past was becoming estranged. Now, I’m being shaped by a different culture and ...
“Present Griefs, Recent Disappointments” is a process of reconciling with my teenage self using the photographic practice as a therapeutic tool. By visually poeticizing feelings of self-doubt, ...
“In 1940s, the workers of one of the mines in Katowice initiated gatherings in the regional House of Culture where they started to do paintings. It marked a shift in their mystical and spiritual ...
“My friends are cyborgs, but that’s okay” is a mockumentary project made to imagine a world where Asian bodies navigate as cyborgs in a hegemonic human society. It explores the complex state of being ...
Since 2011, I have been working on a project through which I am exploring family histories, cross-cultural identities (notably Australian-Koreans) and my own bi-racial heritage through the lenses of ...
Skipping Sundays reflects on childhood memories associated with my upbringing in organized religion, characterized by a lingering sense of detachment; exploring the isolation that can result when ...
Welcome to the PhMuseum 2024 Women Photographers Grant Terms and Conditions! This document defines the Terms and Conditions (Terms) that govern your use of the PhMuseum 2024 Women Photographers Grant ...
How does our perception of things change when we look carefully or from a different perspective? Sixteen exhibitions will address CLOSER, the theme of this fourth edition about to inaugurate in ...
Motel 42 is a series of self-portraits shot in the US on black and white film. Every photo was printed and hand colored with oil paint. The complete series contains 42 hand painted photos. Motel 42 is ...
The loss of biodiversity is mainly due to the destruction of livelihoods by humans. But I can't help but think of all the animals in agriculture, zoos and laboratories that are kept and killed in ...