ASD Monsub organizes in Sirolo the second conference of the project “Scuba Freedom” entitled “The embrace of water”; the event will be held on September 21st within the Cortesi theatre starting at ...
In Torre del Greco the Carabinieri arrested a 36-year-old local businessman for possession of drugs for the purpose of dealing; the man has no criminal record. Shortly before closing time, the blitz ...
Roma: Night club seized for tolerating, encouraging and exploiting prostitution, with private spaces and shows. Two people arrested. The State Police in cooperation with the financial police of the ...
Emilia Romagna, wave of bad weather: red alert and emergency interventions. THEEmilia-Romagna was recently hit by one of the most serious floods in its history, with devastating effects on several ...
Verona: “Piazza pulite” investigation, 3000 heroin and cocaine sales in three months. Police Local of Verona He executed 5 custody orders in prison against a criminal association dedicated to the ...
The Carabinieri of the Castelraimondo Station together with colleagues from the Operations Unit of the Camerino Company they arrested two young men aged 24 and 21, who had carried out the “fake nephew ...
The Carabinieri of the Operations Section of the Forlì Company, together with colleagues from the Ronco Station, they arrested a 28-year-old man and a 26-year-old woman, already known to the police, ...
Cuneo: “European Heritage Days 2024” Church of Santa Chiara opens to community theater. On the occasion of the European Heritage Days 2024, Superintendency of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for ...
TV and advertising, Gianpio Gravina explains how to recover the audience. La television It has been the hub of mass communication for a very long time, but for several years, more specifically since ...
Durante un predisposto sevizio di controllo, l’attenzione dei Carabinieri è ricaduta su un’autovettura che stava stazionando ...
Le oltre 160 fotografie esposte, scattate dal fotografo Luca Meola, esplorano la quotidianità delle persone senza dimora, ...
Il Maggiore Gabriele Schiaffini e il Capitano Armando Laviola sono stati nominati nuovi comandanti delle Compagnie ...