In a cuckoo Marans versus barred rock chicken fight, which bird is at the top of the pecking order? Chickens today have ...
So which is your favorite, of Vivaldi's Four Seasons? And what makes it your favorite? (It's fair if it's simply the one you ...
When the cuckoo chick hatches ... a retired photo editor who’s an avid wildlife photographer, observed the birds’ behavior in 2014 in Amsterdam, where she lives. “The poor warbler almost ...
Roughly 40% of cuckoo bird species are "brood parasites." Instead of building its own nest, the cuckoo infiltrates the roosts ...
Sept. 4 provided a unique birding experience for Fallbrook residents Diane and Doug Walkley. That day, they were in Los ...
Tilman Singer’s Cuckoo is a visually arresting and thematically ambitious horror film that attempts to weave psychological ...
a species of superpowered female-presenting humanoids with the reproductive and parasitic behavioral habits of cuckoo birds? The goal of all this is never fully explained and much of the plot is ...
The yellow-billed cuckoo is sometimes called the "rain crow" because its song is often heard just before thunderstorms or summer showers. But this rare bird raises its voice less and less often in ...
“S umer is icumem in,/Lhude sing cuccu ” – or “Summer is here,/Loudly sing, cuckoo” – are the opening lines of a much-anthologised medieval poem-song. Well, summer is just about done now and we’ve had ...
"Cuckoo" is a parasitic tale that twists a variety of horror elements into an unforgettable nightmare. A 17-year-old girl ...
The term comes from the cuckoo bird, which lays its eggs in the nests of other birds. See Easter Egg. THIS DEFINITION IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. All other reproduction requires permission.