“Colors are often represented in HSL (hue, saturation, lightness) color space,” Mineault explained to the Daily Mail. “Hue ...
A FASCINATING viral experiment has sparked debate online with people left stumped over if they see blue or green. The clever online test has challenged the public’s ability to determine ...
Eyewear companies sell lenses that block blue light at an upcharge, claiming it causes eyestrain. But experts say research ...
Researchers at IRIG have shown that blue light, already harmful through our screens, could also play a detrimental role by ...
The experiments arose from the quest for better methods to see tissue and organs within the body. The researchers chose tartrazine because the dye's molecules absorb blue and ultraviolet light ...
Samarium (Sm), a rare earth metal, is important to organic chemists because of the ability of its divalent compounds to ...
The researchers at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden have achieved a significant breakthrough by combining two ...
But now, a team of Stanford University scientists has finally found an agent that can reversibly make skin transparent ...
This time, we want you to look at a piece from Catherine Murphy, who began painting in the 1960s. This painting, called ...
In the annals of design history, few figures loom as large as Yrjo Kukkapuro, the legendary Finnish designer whose innovative ...
Treat any investment you make in blue light blockers as an experiment: do they relieve your symptoms? How do they compare to purposeful blinking, regular breaks or moisturising eye drops?