Beer is made from water, malt, hops and yeast. I'm sure you know that. But how exactly is this incredible, flavorful variety of different beer styles created? You need a few more ingredients for that: ...
3 of the best international comedians will talk about life, love, and other oddities of the human condition at this great show! The Director's Cut Comedy Special is taking place in one of Mitte's only ...
The Huguenot Museum in the French Cathedral is also an insider tip among long-time Berliners. It has been in a prime location on the Gendarmenmarkt since 1935. At the end of 2021, the museum reopened ...
When the Berlin Wall was built on August 13, 1961, it divided the city as well as the transportation system. But two subway (U-Bahn) lines and one commuter rail (S-Bahn) line with departure and ...
Special notes: In his new exhibition ‘Gottweißwo’, Berlin-based artist Martin Assig explores the many challenges facing the people of our time: the brute force of the new wars that have broken out and ...
Police and rescue workers are confronted with a variety of challenges on a daily basis - but also with a declining appreciation and lack of understanding for their work. Gawkers besiege accident ...
Monika Sommerer, head of the JMB Library, regularly gives tours of the library’s history and extensive collection. She presents special works on various subjects – from first editions of writings by ...
Das Lebenswelten Team arbeitet ökologisch nachhaltig und steht für eine vielfältige und geschmackvolle Küche mit dem Fokus auf Berliner Klassiker und einem vegetarischen Bowl-Counter. Zwischen Passage ...
Music connects - students from the Riwne University of Music and pupils from the Béla Bartók Music School give a joint concert at the “Peter Edel” educational and cultural center. In addition to ...
Der 90-minütige Rundgang vermittelt den Besuchern alle Informationen zur politischen Haft und Verfolgung während der sowjetischen Besatzung und der DDR. 44 Jahre politische Verfolgung: In der ...
Die bekannteste und beliebteste Einkaufsstraße von Berlin: Vom Breitscheidplatz bis Halensee reihen sich Kaufhäuser und die Filialen großer Ketten aneinander. Richtung Halensee werden die Boutiquen ...
Three Berlin projects show how opponents can become partners. To do this, interdisciplinary teams are using the latest ...