The Laboratory for Vascular Morphogenesis is searching for a part-time worker to support research activities. The laboratory uses the zebrafish as a model organism to observe and understand the ...
The RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project has been launched since April 2016 with the subsidy for “Advanced Integrated Intelligence Platform Project-Artificial Intelligence/ Big Data/ ...
iTHEMS promotes interdisciplinary collaborations and the creation of new interdisciplinary fields through interactions among researchers in mathematics, theoretical sciences, and computational ...
The missions of RIKEN Center for Quantum Computing (RQC) are to deepen our understandings of quantum mechanics and quantum information, develop techniques for quantum control and measurement, build ...
Applications may be submitted in the following three categories. These categories are only to define application criteria. There is no quota set on the number of applicants that may apply to each ...
The Junior Research Associate (JRA) program provides part-time positions at RIKEN for energetic and open-minded graduate students enrolled in Japanese university PhD programs for the purpose of giving ...
郷 慎太郎 研究員らの共同研究グループは、最先端の宇宙観測装置と理研の小型加速器を組み合わせることで、原子核から放出されるガンマ線の偏光を高感度で捉えることに成功しました。郷 ...
消化器腫瘍はその発症に遺伝的素因だけでなく食物や腸内細菌などの環境要因が関与する多因子疾患であり、治療法・予防法に関するさまざまな研究開発が世界中で展開されています。大腸腫瘍は症例数が多いことで知られていますが、小腸腫瘍は消化器腫瘍の中でも3~6%を ...
理化学研究所 横浜事業所では、私たちの生存の基盤である生命と環境について、総合的な理解を深める研究を行い、その成果の普及と地域との連携等に取り組んでいます。 詳細は横浜 ...