The world’s leaders meet early next week at the United Nations (U.N.) headquarters in New York to adopt the Pact for the ...
Many chefs understand the benefits of buying directly from a local farmer. Local farmers are can provide a fresh tasting, high quality product with a longer shelf life. A chef that develops an ongoing ...
The Sustainable Woods Cooperative (Spring Green, Wisconsin) has many activities already planned for this year - including a workshop about controlling invasive plants, a spring wildflower hike, a ...
The Government has decided to accede to the Paris Convention for the protection of industrial property and its facilitation treaty, the Patent Co-operation Treaty (PCT). This is expected to provide a ...
Asia Pulse | February 19, 2003 The success of the Ayala-led Manila Water Company in the Philippines in water distribution covering the East Zone half of Metropolitan Manila has shown that private ...
With 96 percent of the world's population living outside of the United States, Governor Bush recognizes that the future prosperity of America's farmers depends on expanding markets overseas. He is ...
Archer Daniels Midland was named the 30th-worst company in the nation in 2002 when it came to releasing cancer-causing pollutants into the air, according to a national environmental group. The company ...
Deep in the forest, miles from anything resembling a town, even logging roads and rutted four-wheeler paths dissolve. That's when J.P. Anderson gears down his battered Suzuki Samurai, crashing up the ...
BONN, Apr 13 (IPS) - Germany's development ministry has initiated a process of intensive consultation with non-governmental organisations, researchers and scientists in a concerted bid to help ensure ...
New Delhi, April 28 -- Increasingly, Democrats and Republicans in the US are speaking with one voice in pushing for tough action on the massive trade deficit with China. In their eyes, China is more a ...
MILLAU, France (AP) -- A French sheep farmer who became a folk hero by vandalizing a McDonald's last year was convicted Wednesday for the attack and sentenced to three months in prison. Jose Bove has ...
Negotiators for 5,000 St. Paul-area grocery workers and their employers are to begin contract talks today, and the union says it thinks the grocers may seek concessions on health insurance. Bernie ...