The four mathas (monasteries or mutts) established by Adi Shankaracharya in the four corners of India were meant to uphold Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism). It was also meant to propagate Vedanta. The four ...
Courage and Leadership: Rani Lakshmibai's leadership in the 1857 rebellion against British rule is celebrated as a pivotal example of courage and strategic acumen. Her defiance against colonial forces ...
Humility and Reverence: Washing the feet of elders, gurus, or important personalities is a profound gesture of humility and respect. In many cultures, particularly in India, touching or washing the ...
Praying to Radha Krishna, the divine couple in Hinduism, involves devotion, love, and a connection to their playful, compassionate, and all-encompassing nature. Radha and Krishna are often worshiped ...
Abhyasa is a fundamental concept in the Yoga system as outlined by the sage Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. Derived from the Sanskrit root “abhi” (towards) and “asa” (to stay), abhyasa means consistent ...
Facing body shaming can be challenging, but Hinduism offers many spiritual, philosophical, and practical tools to help one overcome such negativity. Hindu scriptures provide guidance on ...
The Ashtakshari Mantra, an eight-syllable mantra in Hinduism, is one of the most revered and frequently recited mantras. It goes as follows: "Om Namo Narayanaya," which translates to "Obeisance to ...
In Hindu temples, the primary icon in the garbhagriha or sanctum sanctorum, known as the ‘dhruvabera,’ is generally made of stone and is permanently fixed. This central deity is the focal point of ...
Dhanishta Nakshatra, also known as Avittam in South India, is the 23rd Nakshatra among the 27 Nakshatras. Below are Dhanishta or Sravishta Nakshatra date and time in 2025. The astrological prediction ...
In Hinduism, death is viewed as a transition rather than an end. The soul (Atman) is eternal and moves from one body to another through the process of reincarnation (Samsara). This belief provides ...
In Hindu mythology, Radha is not typically considered an incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi. Radha is most commonly known as the consort of Lord Krishna, and their love story is a central theme in ...
Velliyamparambu Pullivettakkorumakan temple is located at Mettadi near Mattannur in Kannur district, Kerala. The shrine is dedicated to Pullivettakorumakan and several other deities that are ...