Humility and Reverence: Washing the feet of elders, gurus, or important personalities is a profound gesture of humility and respect. In many cultures, particularly in India, touching or washing the ...
Abhyasa is a fundamental concept in the Yoga system as outlined by the sage Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. Derived from the Sanskrit root “abhi” (towards) and “asa” (to stay), abhyasa means consistent ...
In Hinduism, the concept of the teacher, or Guru, holds an exalted position, but even higher and nobler than all ordinary gurus are the Avataras of Ishvara, divine incarnations who descend into the ...
Praying to Radha Krishna, the divine couple in Hinduism, involves devotion, love, and a connection to their playful, compassionate, and all-encompassing nature. Radha and Krishna are often worshiped ...
In Hinduism, death is viewed as a transition rather than an end. The soul (Atman) is eternal and moves from one body to another through the process of reincarnation (Samsara). This belief provides ...
Courage and Leadership: Rani Lakshmibai's leadership in the 1857 rebellion against British rule is celebrated as a pivotal example of courage and strategic acumen. Her defiance against colonial forces ...
In Hindu temples, the primary icon in the garbhagriha or sanctum sanctorum, known as the ‘dhruvabera,’ is generally made of stone and is permanently fixed. This central deity is the focal point of ...
Advaita Vedanta, a school of Hindu philosophy, and Stoicism, an ancient Greek philosophical tradition, represent two profound ways of understanding the self, the universe, and the path to human ...
Sapta Puri is the name given to the seven sacred cities associated with Hinduism in India. These seven holy cities are also referred as Sapta Moksha Puris and Seven Tirthas. The general belief is that ...
There are numerous fears and doubts regarding Ashadam or Ashada Masam (June - July) especially for Telugu and Kannada speaking people. In 2025, Ashada Month begins on June 26 and ends on July 24 in ...
There are numerous theories regarding the origin of universe but the Big Bang model is the broadly accepted theory. But thousands of years before scientists came up with Big Bang model, did the sages ...
The four mathas (monasteries or mutts) established by Adi Shankaracharya in the four corners of India were meant to uphold Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism). It was also meant to propagate Vedanta. The four ...