在因入侵乌克兰而自身经济遭受重创后,俄罗斯试图摆脱对西方贸易的依赖,并与亚洲强国中国和印度建立新的、不受制裁影响的联系。 两年半过去了,俄罗斯石油的流向基本上已按照这些路线 ...
WSJに掲載されたニュースからキーとなる単語や文を選び、その意味と背景を解説する「英語でニュース深読み」。今回はget under one’s ...
Nike said John Donahoe will retire as chief executive and from the board. Elliott Hill, who retired from the sneaker maker in ...
Pepper…and Salt ...
Moscow redirected oil sales, but forging new routes for other commodities proves difficult amid high costs and U.S. sanctions ...
Consumers in the U.K. have become significantly more pessimistic this month, pointing to weaker personal finances and ...
Gerard Alessandrini’s beloved revue returns, pilfering melodies from recent musicals and pairing them with poison-pen lyrics ...
Fuji Soft shares fell sharply on fading expectations of a bidding war after two key shareholders of the software developer ...
China kept its benchmark lending rates unchanged on Friday, despite growing expectations for a cut after the U.S. Federal ...
The Biden administration is still pushing talks, but a breakthrough appears unlikely.
在高昂成本和美國制裁的雙重壓力下,俄羅斯雖然改變了石油銷售路線,但為其他大宗商品開闢新的出口路徑卻困難重重。 在因入侵烏克蘭而自身經濟遭受重創後,俄羅斯試圖擺脫對西方貿易的 ...
The head of motor sport’s governing body has asked drivers to watch their language on their radios. Drivers say: What the…?!