Although Ben Klibreck is located in the central mountain region of Sutherland, it stands in relative isolation, towering above a wide expanse of moorland. Meall nan Con ...
Huangguoshu Waterfall in China is one of the most beloved tourist attractions in the Guizhou Province. As one of the largest falls in China and even East Asia it is certainly one of the most impres ...
Beinn a’Chroin is a mountain located 6 km (3.1 mi) south of Crianlarich in the Stirling area. It is situated at the head of Coire Earb and is attached to neighbouring ...
River Doe is a river in North Yorkshire, England. There are three sets of waterfalls located on the course of the river, one being Snow Falls, just below a quarry. Snow Falls are situated in the lo ...
Lofoten is an archipelago in the county of Nordland, Norway, known for its distinctive scenery with dramatic mountains and peaks, open sea and sheltered bays, beaches and fjords. Located just above ...