The Piedmont's moist climate is said to be well-suited to raising livestock. So why do so many beef cattle get shipped away?
FIFTEEN months after it first surfaced, a beef breed content trade description issue may be close to reaching a resolution.
The Cambridge farmer got out of the family dairy business at the turn of the century and a few years later started raising ...
As creating dairy-beef cattle grows as a trend within the dairy industry, farmers are looking to enter the beef market to ...
While bigger cattle is good from a sustainability standpoint, three big issues arise from it, says Dr. Temple Grandin.
Beef-on-dairy breeding has revolutionized the U.S. cattle industry, shored up dwindling fed-beef cattle supplies, and added ...
Research certainly suggests so, and a newly funded startup called Brightband is taking a shot at turning machine learning ...
Yes, we’re selling our farm, Miles Smith Farm. In 1972, I married my first husband, who lived on this magical spot atop a ...
BRAZIL has hundreds of millions of cows, but one in particular is extraordinary. Her massive, snow-white body is watched over ...
Fourth-grade students from Creekside Elementary School crowded around the antique corn shellers, feeding cobs into the top ...
England's sheep and cattle numbers have plummeted to their lowest recorded levels since Defra started its annual livestock census.
Allison Jumper’s family was a picture of healthy living. Active kids. Wholesome meals. A freezer stocked with organic beef ...