An ancient warrior whose previously broken jaw was mended with gold thread was recently unearthed in Greece; recent ...
The objects were unearthed in a temple complex within a fortress city that was founded in the seventh century B.C.
The martial artifacts found at the temple complex were likely offerings that an ancient kingdom made to their chief god.
Over three excavation seasons, archaeologists from the Institute of Archaeology at the Jagiellonian University and the archaeological company Pryncypat, identified 23 inhumation burials—where bodies ...
When I’ve had conversations about the commons with right-leaning people (and sometimes cynical people on the left too), a ...
Reluctant warriors “Memnon” at the Getty Villa, a review by Every September, for nearly two decades, the Getty Villa has presented a new rendition of an ancient Greek or Roman ...
Gold has always been considered one of the most precious metals on Earth. It glimmers, shines, and dazzles. But did you know ...