The residents of al-Ashrafiyah neighborhood point to the goal of the torture and genocide system practiced by the Turkish authorities against Leader Abdullah Ocalan, as well as the goal of the ...
The Department of Foreign Relations in the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria published a statement today, Tuesday, condemning the crimes committed by the mercenaries of the ...
on Saturday, a meeting was organized that included leaders and members of the expanded military council of Kobani, along with office officials and battalion leaders, with the Commander-in-Chief of the ...
Kurdish and internationalist youth gathered yesterday in Haupt Bahnhof in Bielefeld, Germany, and began the long march, organized in the context of the global campaign demanding the physical freedom ...
Asr Law Office's lawyers, Ibrahim Bilmez, Cengiz Yörkli, Suzan Akiba and Imran Amekci, submitted a new request today to the Bursa Republican Public Prosecutor's Office and Imrali Prison Directorate to ...
ANHA's correspondent reported that the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries are currently shelling the village of Bina, affiliated with the town of Sherawa in the Afrin and al-Shahba canton, with ...
According to local sources, two women were killed, and dozens of residents were injured with fractures in the hand and head. The sources also noted that the mercenaries stole gold jewelry and sums of ...
Roj News reported that Turkish occupation army' drone bombed the Makhmour camp in S. Kurdistan.
ANHA agency's correspondents reported that the Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries were bombarding the village of Sheikh Ali, affiliated with the city of Zarghan, with artillery. No more ...
During the meeting, members of the Syrian Initiative spoke about the reality and effects of the torture and genocide system against leader Abdullah Ocalan. For their part, the participants in the ...
The Media Center of the Manbij Military Council forces said: "The mercenaries suffered losses in numbers and equipment, while the rest fled." Following the failure of the infiltration operation, the ...
Salem indicated in the document issued by a library and addressed to the Public Prosecution, which was obtained by Roj News Agency, that based on Article (61 - Second and Seventh - A) of the ...