I’m just two weeks away from my next Camino, and of course, I’m in full-on research mode—scrolling through every forum I can find (yes, that includes Reddit). One thing I’ve noticed? The number of ...
My wife and I expect to arrive in Santiago on 26 Sep and stay for three nights. We are finding accommodations to be difficult to find. We’d like to be within approximately 10-15 minutes from the ...
Hola! (English below) Estoy haciendo el Primitivo y me encantaría poder tocar el piano un rato de vez en cuando. ¿Alguien conoce algún albergue, hostal, casa particular o cualquier lugar donde haya un ...
For our next Camino, we're spending a week in the UK prior. It's for a 50th reunion so we need to take some 'decent clothes. Suit, shoes etc. The plan then, is to send all that stuff back home to ...
As I have been recently diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease I feel like I want to walk another Camino. We did the Frances and very much loved it. My wife said find a path with infrastructure so we can ...
We are walking the Camino Portuguese today and the fires outside of Albergaría a Velha forced us to evacuate to Sao Joao da Madeira. I am trying to find the best resource to check on our path to Grijo ...
I just made this map for you and for anyone who wants to follow the traditional, historic Camino del Norte (not via Güemes). The distance from Noja to the Albergue in Isla is 4.8 km, and the distance ...
Apologies if this isn't the right thread, but I searched the forum and only saw threads about Portugal. I was googling for info about the fires, and Google Maps showed one in Spain. No idea how big it ...
I’m Renee and I was supposed to start my Camino Portugues today in Porto. Yesterday I arrived early in the morning, but my backpack never did. The lost&found at the airport told me to not wait and ...
I'm currently planning to walk the CP coastal route next fall, and I know that some of the seaside towns along the way can get crowded with people on holiday and surfing during the summer months. I ...
Its..over there and away we go! What an adventure vlog that would be no? Probably like what the elder statespeople of the forum did back in the day... What an adventure you must have had! Just go all ...
I heard it mentioned that rather than walking through the industrial section of Leon it was possible to take a bus out of the city....but where to? In my opinion, the walk isn't bad at all, but if you ...