A number of states will be flying the American flag at half mast this weekend, for a fascinating and touching reason. Victims ...
A group of protesters damaged the fence of a U.S. military installation in Italy over the weekend, officials said.
A U.S. Defense Department official says the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Niger is complete. A Pentagon spokesperson said ...
A man was cited for having too many flags in his front yard but he said the flags represented his patriotism and support for ...
LAKE GEORGE - Old Glory is once again looking sharp as it flies over the Sheriff's Mounted Posse Headquarters in Hubbard ...
Unlike the surge in enlistment following 9/11, the military is seeing record-breaking low recruitment numbers.
On July 30, the president signed our new law: the All-American Flag Act. Until now, the flags flown at military installations ...
(7News) — At 9:37 a.m. 23 years ago, American Airlines Flight 77 crashed ... bringing attention to a critical issue facing the U.S. military. Unlike the surge in enlistment following 9/11 ...