The Medieval period forward would see the iconic conical Nasal helmet of the Normans from the ninth to around the twelfth century. Typically constructed of single layers of iron, the helmet could ...
DEMENTIA will affect at least one in three of us. Today, on World Alzheimer’s Day, there are around 982,000 people living ...
Crack! The sound of football helmets colliding on the field is an audible sign that fall is just around the corner. But that sound also comes with a darker side. Mounting scientific evidence shows ...
A saline nasal spray is a mixture of sterile water and 0.9% sodium chloride (salt) that you can spray up your nostrils to flush out pollen, dust, and other allergens from your nasal passages (the ...
It’s actually normal, and there's a scientific reason behind it. It all has to do with a process known as the nasal cycle, which is a cycle of congestion and decongestion that your nasal ...
A burning sensation in your nostrils often results from irritation of your nasal passages. Treatment can depend on the specific cause. It may include avoiding triggers and adding moisture to the air.
But whether you’re headed for a long or short ride, you should always wear a bike helmet to protect yourself. A bike helmet can significantly reduce your risk of head or brain injury.
The team has generated a positive buzz this year for creating a successful and more budget-friendly WorldTour level bike, and the brand's clothing and helmets don't break the bank either.
That’s because your nose hair, while definitely annoying, actually serves a purpose—it's your body's first-line of defense against bacteria and germs in the nasal cavity (more on that below).
Learn more› By Laura Motley Most experts and parents agree that kids should wear a helmet every time they ride a bike. So it’s worth finding one that your child genuinely enjoys wearing.
NARCAN is a fast and safe nasal spray-style remedy that can reverse overdoses and save lives, but many people do not own or know how to use it when needed in an emergency. Tuesday night ...
The NFL has three big ones this preseason — the new kickoff play, new helmet technology, and the gambling policy. Let’s take a closer look at how they are going: Kickoff play: The NFL made ...